みなさん、こんにちは。私の名前はURIEL である。喜ばされる会うために。私は保護者の神である。Today I am going to teach you the basics of the lecteur de tarot card battling system. Please select an option from the following menu:




The lecteur de tarot card system is a game designed for two or more players. Each player has a deck of 78 cards. These cards are divided into two primary groups, Major Arcana and Minor Arcana. There are 22 cards in the Major Arcana and 56 in the Minor Arcana.


The Major Arcana consists of special attack and defence patterns and six special Ultima Cards which are often unique to a specific species or character whilst the Minor Arcana is divided into four specific suits: Wands (weaponry), Cups (devices), Swords (swords) and Pentacles (armour).


Each card in a deck has its own stats that define the way it works. These stats are broken down into four specific categories:


·        AP (Action Points) This defines how many turns a single card remains in play.

·        CHI This indicates how much of the players CHI energy a card consumes when in use.

·        EXP This indicates how much experience each card has accrued during play.

·        SP (Special Points) These are unique points that are collected during play. When the required amount has been reached the player may trigger a specific Ultima Card attack in his or her hand. Unless modified, SP is reset to zero at the beginning of each match.


In order to play lecteur de tarot successfully you will need to use a combination of Major and Minor Arcana cards. The Minor Arcana suits Wands and Swords use several six sided dice (D6) to attack. All level one characters (Lv1) roll with a basic, unassisted attack of 1 D6 but many of the weapons cards in these suits will upgrade your characters attack power i.e. CURSED SWORD (Sin Mage/Ace/Swords) from the basic Sin Mage adds an extra D6 to the players attack roll for as long as it is equipped. This means that the player will now roll with 2 D6 in attack.


Standard Major Arcana cards use a combination of the players current dice roll plus their character level and their current SP (i.e. if a Lv10 character with an SP of 9 is attacking with 4 D6 and rolls 13, the final attack with be 32). These moves represent devastating techniques that have been learnt by the character through trial and error. As you progress through the world of lecteur de tarot you will have the chance to learn new techniques and skills by acquiring new cards, some from other decks and some that commemorate special occasions or events. It is important to experiment with your deck and advance your cards. A player who remains with only his or her basic cards will soon finding themselves confronted by opponents who vastly outstrip anything their decks have to offer. However, each change of your deck will cause subtle changes in your character. This will be clarified later on in this guide.


Ultima Cards, many of which require at least 10 SP, are unique. Unlike other skills, weapons and equipment, other races cannot learn these cards. It is possible to increase the number of Ultima Cards you have to choose from by learning the techniques of classes within your race but it should be noted that whilst there is no limit as to how many Ultima Cards you can collect, a deck with more than six of these cards is invalid and cannot be fielded in play. Ultima Cards, unless specified otherwise, attack with a standard dice roll of 10 D6.


At the end of each battle EXP points will be awarded to cards used in play and to the players character. Character levels range from Lv1 (HP: 200/CHI: 100/SP: 0) upwards whilst the EXP acquired for cards is more structured, dividing at first into one of three basic levels: Apprentice (cards with EXP points up to 100), Intermediate (cards with EXP points of 101 to 500) and Master (cards with EXP points of 501 upwards). It is possible that, as decks continue to evolve, more levels will be discovered but at present these are as yet unknown. EXP is vital to the effectiveness of your cards, a basic equipment card such as SHADOW STAFF (human/Ace/Wands) will roll with more D6 and deal more damage at Master level than the equivalent card at Apprentice level in much the same way that even the most basic of Apprentice cards can be used more successfully by a Lv100 character than a Lv1 character. Gaining experience is imperative for any player if he or she wishes to defeat an array of increasingly more powerful opponents.


Of course learning to work with allies and companions is also a significant development for players. A group of six players with little EXP will have an increased chance at defeating a single high-level opponent than if the player were to try and defeat the same enemy without assistance. Make friends with your fellow lecteur de tarot players and experiment with battle strategy. As a team you will soon find that even the most daunting of task may be overcome. Many villains have fallen by underestimating the sheer power of friendship and co-operation.




When selecting which of the initial three decks to begin with it is important to remember that your choice will have important implications for the development of your character. The primary location for lecteur de tarot is in the virtual arenas (or Fields of Play) within tarot-space, a burgeoning world brought into existence by the sheer force of the CHI energy used to create the first lecteur de tarot decks hundreds of years ago. Since their inception the vast global zaibatsu, SUNNY Corporation has invested countless trillions of yen into the development of new systems and cards for lecteur de tarot. The most significant of these scientific achievements was the technology used to bridge the real world with the artificial portals of tarot-space.


Since the discovery, thousands of people have subscribed to SUNNYs tarot-space, making it a truly global and culture spanning phenomenon. People of all ages and backgrounds have followed in the footsteps of the original adventurers and architects who began to build the first human towns and villages within tarot-space as early as 1983. The unique duality of the thousands of people who play lecteur de tarot has resulted in a deck that is versatile and advantageous, featuring a balance of powerful physical attacks and skills to inflict untold damage upon opponents, traditional weaponry and clothing to protect from status effects and magical attacks and antique items to boost abilities whilst fighting.


The second race are a species indigenous to tarot-space, a curious collective of anthropomorphic and seemingly unreal animals named Mononoke. The relationship between humans and Mononoke has always been slightly strained although it is rumoured that prior to the foundations of modern villages in the new world there were once cities of a prior human civilisation in the distant lands beyond the Eastern lands of Eoz but these areas have been treated as restricted for many years. The Mononoke are secretive and seemingly arrogant at times, their involvement with human players has been limited up to now with only a number of exchanges taking place on disputed ground. Recently however, the Mononoke have been seen in greater numbers though their attitude remains just as secretive as ever. Of the little humans know of their decks it would appear that their cards are mostly constructed around the principles of healing and other perceived white magics. If an alliance between human and Mononoke characters could be forged then the combination of human attack cards and Mononoke defence cards could progress the game to a new level.


The final known race of tarot-space have no specific name, human beings have ever encountered only one of their race. The creature has been recorded by history as a Sin Mage, a shadowy sorcerer composed of smoke and darkness with a deck driven by dark magic and curses.


The race you align yourself with and the deck you choose will shape your experiences in tarot-space. As you progress with the game and acquire new cards you will have the opportunity to bolster your deck with cards from other races. Whilst you will be unable to master the Ultima Cards of another species you may find that a deck featuring human weaponry and Sin Mage curses will give you the necessary edge of prospective adversaries. Experimentation with the style of your deck is certainly encouraged however it should be noted that the number of cards from other races used over a prolonged amount of time will definitely influence the appearance and traits of your character. A human character with a deck comprised of 70% Sin Mage cards will certainly find him or herself on the path to transforming into a pure Sin Mage whilst a Mononoke who equips solely human weapons and attacks will find that they have begin to resemble the other race more and more in appearance and attitude. Evolution within tarot-space is an uncontrollable force and even the purest hearted warriors of the most human settlements may find themselves seduced by the powerful magics of the Sin Mage deck. Be comfortable with who you are and choose carefully.




The character you play within tarot-space is be influenced by three very important aspects. These are as follows:


·        HP (Health Points) This indicates the amount of health a player has. When a players HP is exhausted, the character dies and loses the match.

·        CHI CHI is the bodys energy force expressed in physical manifestations. Often in battle an enraged warrior will cast an aura of burning CHI about them or appear as if ghostly flames are consuming them. CHI is the energy by which many of Major Arcana attacks are released.

·        EXP This is the amount of experience your character has accrued during combat.


The basic stats for an entry-level character at fixed at certain points are like thus:


·        Name: Maus

·        Race: human

·        Level: 1

·        Deck: human/basic

·        HP: 200

·        CHI: 100

·        EXP: 0

·        SP: 0


The stats will change over the course of the players experience in tarot-space starting almost immediately. Different classes and races of opponents will obviously yield different amounts of EXP points. Interacting as a member of a team involved in defeating powerful enemies whilst the player is still at a relatively low level will boost EXP significantly as points are distributed throughout the group at the end of combat. Even if a player fails and is defeated in combat, EXP may still be awarded though at a much-reduced rate.


In addition to these basic skills there are a number of other factors that can be increased through the accumulation of EXP points and the acquisition of higher-level cards. These factors are directly related to the class system of each individual species, which will be explained later.




Once you have generated your character then you can begin your first match. As established earlier, lecteur de tarot is played mostly within the confines of a virtual world. Whilst creation of this universe was initially ascribed to human technology the presence of species such as the Mononoke cast a certain shadow that tarot-space began solely with human ingenuity and that it may possibly be part of a larger picture.


Within the universe there are many towns and villages, some established by humans whilst others remained purest Mononoke settlements, hostile to the intrusion of outsiders. Amongst these villages, sometimes in the most unlikely places, are numerous Fields of Play. These are the traditional arenas of lecteur de tarot and each has a different aesthetic and a different number of bonuses for specific characters, an example of this is the phantom forests.


The forests that border the Eastern lands of Eoz are charged with accumulated Earth CHI gathering in the branches of the dead trees that overcrowd the skies. Because of this build up of world energy any characters with distinct magical skills or a deck based on the utilisation of magic such as Sin Mages or human/mage will gain an added bonus when playing. This is called a field bonus. A list of the current unearthed FoPs can be found towards the end of this tutorial.


The arena in which your duel takes place can be arrived at by one of two ways: one, you are challenged or ambushed whilst passing through the area or a location near by or two, both players agree to duel and roll 2 D6 to decide who goes first. The player with the highest score has the first turn and also may select the area in which the duel will take place. This is the more common method by which agreements are arrived at.


Once the FoP has been decided both players will proceed to shuffle their decks and draw six cards into their hand. For the initial player these six cards are the sole starting point, more advanced players however will have the option at any time after their first match of choosing four cards to equip by default. These cards are removed from the deck prior to shuffling and are all Minor Arcana cards. The cards are placed face up and facing the opponent so your foe is aware of what kind of armour and weapon you are using, just as if he had challenged you in the real world.


Whilst in play, all lecteur de tarot decks are arranged into a default and familiar pattern, as demonstrated below:



During a turn you have the option to equip a card, play a Major Arcana card or attack with your basic roll plus any modifiers added by your equipment cards and either discard a card from your hand and draw one from the top of the deck or draw a card to bring your hand up to the full compliment of six cards. An example of equipping items and weapons in a match between two Lv1 players is as follows:


[Player X (human/HP: 200/CHI: 100/SP: 0) vs. Player Y (Sin Mage/HP: 200/CHI: 100/SP: 0), Game #1:]


[TURN #1:]



[TURN #2:]



[TURN #3:]



[TURN #4:]



As demonstrated in the diagram above four equipment cards may be equipped at any one time unless otherwise specified whilst characters are at Apprentice level. The standard formation for equipment is one weapon (Wands or Swords), one armour (Pentacles) and two device cards (Cups). Some cards, like HAORI (human/4/Pentacles) allow other weaponry cards to be equipped in place of a device card. It is important to find a balance that you are comfortable. As soon as equipment cards have 1 EXP point they may be used as a default equip card.


Once equipment has been chosen (if not before) it is customary to begin the combat phase of your duel. Do not be disappointed if at first you not triumph then it is important to keep trying. Customise your cards and your deck and, most importantly, never give up.



The class system in lecteur de tarot represents a number of skills that can help further define your character whilst in tarot-space. To begin with each race has three classes defined above the basic entry level but it is expected that more will be discovered as you progress and meet more unusual characters in the game. Class decks are composed partly of new edition versions of regular numbered cards, basic cards and special skill cards. New edition cards can be acquired by trading, completing pre-set missions and visiting the website on special festival days like Valentines Day and New Years Day.


Some new edition cards may seem minimal in what extra they have to offer the player however each card, and each new fusion of old and new cards into the deck, presents different possibilities. An example of new edition cards is found in the human armour cards. In the human/basic deck human/2/Pentacles is the KIMONO card. KIMONO increases HP by 1 point and allows one additional D6 to be rolled against poison attacks. The second edition version of human/2/Pentacles is YUKATA, a card the increases HP by 1 point and allows one additional D6 to be rolled against confusion attacks. The use of variant cards represents new opportunities and brings a new dynamic to your deck. As always, it is important to experiment to discover which cards work best for you.


Special skill cards are slightly more complicated. The use of these cards however will allow for extra information to be added to your character information. Once special skill cards have reached a Master level players may which to approach a Master level Mononoke/mage to burn the image of these skills into specified equipment cards that can be used in the default equip line up, thus allowing for further customisation of decks.


The class your character enters defines the kind of special skills you will encounter. Try and train in as many classes as possible in order to unlock your full potential as a lecteur de tarot dueller.


At Apprentice level the classes for each race are as follows:



·        human/basic The default deck that all human characters begin with in tarot-space. Includes GUARDIAN DEITY URIEL (human/2/High Priestess) (thats me!).

·        human/mage A selection of cards that emulate some of the more common Sin Mage magic techniques and introduce new kinds of magic for human players and magical enchanted equipment.

·        human/hero Additional cards containing many advanced fighting techniques and new weaponry for human characters including the first of a series of cards that allow for specialised LEGENDARY ARMOUR (human/Knight/Pentacles).

·        human/trainer A deck focused not on physical strength or magical techniques but the training of native animals and Mononoke partners. All Sword cards in the trainer deck represent a secondary device selection as opposed to actual weapons as trainers may only equip Wand cards if entering combat.




Sin Mage


·        Sin Mage/basic The only confirmed incarnation of the Sin Mages. In the only recorded encounter with the species dubbed Sin Mages, a single warrior destroyed the decks of five opponents and killed countless more. What little we know of this species comes from Mononoke folklore, much of which will be explored at a later date. The Sin Mage deck focuses on curses and dark magic techniques.

·        Sin Mage/puppet The puppets are legendary amongst tarot-space, often living alone in remote locations, appearing once every few years to attack any travellers or villages in the remote vicinity. Legend has it that once these fearsome creatures were the frontrunners of a Sin Mage invasion, commanding groups of standard Sin Mages in battle against the Mononoke. Their decks feature a fierce variety of devastating physical attacks as well as a specialised magic based Ultima Cards. It is rumoured that no two puppets are ever the same.

·        Sin Mage/duke The third and fourth variations stem from stories that some believe predate the civilisation of Eoz. Beyond the phantom forests and the horizon of Eoz it is rumoured that Sin Mages gather high above the mountains in craft that are equal part galleon and tree. Each craft has its own markings and lore as well as a court. Within this court the dukes are the most vicious and vindictive, constantly striving to overcome one another for a chance to command vast armies of Sin Mages as the generals do. Their decks are allegedly a natural evolution of the standard Sin Mage cards, containing more advanced techniques and blasphemous familiar spirits.

·        Sin Mage/general According to myth the generals rule their troops with brutality and cruelty. Answering only to the crafts royal family, the deck of the Sin Mage generals features brutal machines carved from sacred trees and cast in the deep furnaces of the earth alike. A terrifying fusion of summoning power and machinery, the Mononoke live in fear of the return of Sin Mage generals to tarot-space.




Many lecteur de tarot duels are won and lost in the selection of equipment cards. Despite the power of your magic or the ferocity of your attack there is always the chance that your opponent may have the armour to deflect it or the weapon to block it. With this in mind it is important to have a defensive strategy whilst playing in addition to powerful attacks. Device (CUPS) and armour (PENTACLES) cards are thus an important, if underrated, key to your success. Whilst it may seem superfluous to dedicate two blocks of cards to protection, these cards can change the very nature of the game you play. Once you venture outside of the starting village you will many other players of all different classes, many of whom may be hiding the full extent of their powers fighting against Intermediate players will require skill and forethought for Apprentice characters.


As you progress through tarot-space you will begin to earn EXP, vital points that can be spent not only on the improvement of fighting techniques and magical spells but the amount of damage dealt by weapons and the effectiveness of armour and items. EXP used on these cards will be vital as characters level up and seek to bind specific spells to a favourite weapon or shield, fuse items together or evolve armour that has outgrown its usefulness. Whilst you may be tempted to tip the balance of your deck in favour of attack rather than defence never underestimate your device and armour cards or the cards of your opponent.




The terrain of your battle may well prove the key to victory. The various Fields of Play, often abbreviated as FoPs, of tarot-space have numerous unique properties and histories, often adding or subtracting to the statistics of certain classes of characters. Each race in tarot-space has a natural environment and thus each race has its own element. It may be advantageous for players to take note of their surroundings before recklessly engaging in combat. When the elements and surroundings are against you then you will need to muster all of your skill in order to overcome. A group of friends, each one with a different class or from a different race, will find themselves much more versatile on the varied FoPs of tarot-space than a single player.


A list of the current available FoPs for Apprentice characters to visit follows:


·        sHertogenbosch The starting village for all human players and one of the first settlements in tarot-space to be maintained by humans. sHertogenbosch is a moderate village, slightly larger than some other human villages on the Eastern continent but still quiet enough to retain the peacefulness and solemnity of rural settings. The main element for sHertogenbosch is EARTH, meaning that magics and weapons attuned to the land will gain an extra bonus of 1 D6 in either defence or attack, depending on the classification of the item. All human characters gain 1 extra D6 in both attack and defence and 30 extra HP points whilst playing in sHertogenbosch.

·        Sighing Caves Caves rumoured to be haunted by the spirits of ancient Mononoke gods. It is rumoured that these caves are where CAT SWORD (human/Page/Swords) was originally uncovered. The caves lie on the central island just off the coast of the Eastern continent and link sHertogenbosch and Orthen in a triangle. The element of the sighing caves is HOLY, an extra 1 D6 in attack or defence may be assigned to holy cards. Apprentice class human/mage characters gain an extra 1 D6 in defence and 20 extra HP points whilst Mononoke/mage characters gain an increased 2 D6 in defence, 1 D6 in attack and 40 extra HP points due to the patronage of the Mononoke deities slumbering there.

·        Orthen A smaller village than neighbouring sHertogenbosch, Orthen is a place of study and learning and the home of the place where many human characters begin their training as mages. Many rare items can be found in Orthen due to the scholarly nature of its institutions. Because of the numerous amount of mages in Orthen it is a natural point of focus for characters who wish to teach and learn magic and thus it is not uncommon to see a handful of Mononoke/mages gathering on the cobbled streets beneath the spires of the mage academies. Many traders, both human and Mononoke visit Orthen in order to sell or trade magical items and relics. The elements of the village are EARTH and HOLY. Holy magics and magics attuned to the land gain 1 extra D6 in attack and defence and 30 HP points for the wielder. human/mage characters gain an additional 1 D6 in attack and 10 extra CHI points. Mononoke/mage characters also gain 10 extra CHI points whilst Sin Mage characters also draw on the magic being studied in Orthen and gain 10 extra CHI points.

·        Eskirma Fields Once presided over by Mononoke farmers, the Eskirma Fields are now home to a number of feral and wild animals as well as numerous human characters wishing to garner more EXP by defeating the native animals. It is a tradition of the people of sHertogenbosch to send out those young enough into the fields so that they may train and one day perhaps bring glory to their home village. The element of the fields is WIND, meaning that an extra 1 D6 in attack or defence may be assigned to wind elemental items. In addition all human/trainer characters gain 2 additional D6 in defence against native animals and 10 extra HP.

·        Farlas To the North-East of Orthen and Eskirma Fields lies the Mononoke trading village of Farlas. Often only inhabited during the bitter winter months, Farlas is one of the few Mononoke settlements where humans are welcome. Whilst many of the villages sometimes inhabitants are more than willing to supply the human villages with much needed food and equipment there is an air of distrust and many Mononoke will feign confusion and lack of understanding if questioned about matters not directly relating to the sale of goods and supplies. The main element for Farlas is WATER, due to the frozen lake that acts as an arena for lecteur de tarot duels on the outskirts of the village. All Mononoke characters gain 1 extra D6 in both attack and defence and 30 extra HP points whilst playing in Farlas.

·        Maudlin Mountains Once host to Vernon the Martyr, a human/hero who dedicated himself to understanding the mysteries and power of the Mononoke/leonheart class so much so that he was eventually transformed into a Mononoke himself, the Maudlin Mountains, east of the phantom forests, are now home to the vast Sin Mage fleet that hovers in constant expectation over the rocky terrain, preventing all but the bravest of adventurers from crossing the mountains and entering the old Mononoke city on the eastern cost. The element of the Maudlin Mountains is FIRE, adding an extra 2 D6 in attack to all fire elemental items. All Sin Mage characters draw an increased 3 D6 in attack from the presence of the sinister Shadow Barges and other Sin Mage craft as well as 1 D6 in defence and 50 extra CHI points.

·        The phantom forests The forests are the furthest northern point human settlers have dared tread on the eastern continent. It is rumoured by the Mononoke that beyond and to the East lie the lands of Eoz and the once domain of the Queen of Eoz, the fabled October Gardens but the forests are so dark and foreboding that none who venture within have dared map their full size and journey out the other side. The element of the phantom forests is WIND, meaning that an extra 1 D6 in attack or defence may be assigned to wind elemental items. Some of the traders from the Mononoke villages have mentioned that a great number of soldiers from overseas have amassed in the forests with a view to storming the lands beyond. The Intermediate class human/soldier gain 2 extra D6 in attack and 50 extra HP in the phantom forests.




And so ends your introduction to lecteur de tarot! Now that you are aware of the rules of tarot-space and the peoples that inhabit it you are ready to decide upon your affiliation and your avatar. Will you choose to join the ranks of the human settlers and if so will you choose the path of a trainer, spending time raising animals and caring for nature or will you become a hero, standing against the evil that invades the phantom forests or a mage, dedicated to supporting your fellow humans and healing those who have suffered at the hands of the cruel invaders? Will you instead be born into the noble village of Farlas as a Mononoke, the natural inhabitants of the world and beyond that will choose the path of the powerful and wise mage class, the outcast gijinka fighters or the knight-like leonheart defenders? Or will you instead be incarnated as an insidious Sin Mage, rising through the ranks of warrior puppet to military duke and eventually the general of a whole Shadow Barge?


The future of tarot-space will be shaped by the actions you make, the paths you choose. Welcome to lecteur de tarot, the final outcome of centuries of magic and technology. The destiny of the human race will be crafted by the stories you tell.


Good luck!